You Don't Have To...
You don’t have to…
It's true. You don't have to do any of the things that fill your day.
You don't have to do the dishes.
You don't have to fold laundry.
You don't have to read a bedtime story.
You don't have to make dinner.
You don't have to do any of these things.
You get to.
It's such a simple shift. One little word in the middle of a phrase, but when you change that word, oh my friend! You change your thoughts, you change your attitude and perspective.
Having dishes to clean, clothes to fold, children to read to at night, food in the fridge…these things are blessings, they are every day gifts that we so often take for granted. It doesn't mean that it isn't sometimes monotonous, but when we decide that we get to, gratitude becomes the focus, and gratitude for what we have produces contentment in our lives.
I encourage you to write the words ‘I GET TO’ in a prominent place in your home. Write it on your mirror, on your hand, put a notecard over your sink or on your fridge - or all of the above!
Practice changing your thoughts and your words.
It will make a difference in your life!