5 Tips to Help with Kid and Pet Smells

We love our kids and our furry friends, but let’s be honest - they don’t always smell the best, and they are capable of creating some less than pleasing odors (solid food diapers, anyone?). I’ve got five tips to help with those stinky smells that our favorite small creatures leave in our homes!

Groom Your Pets

You can take them to a local groomer, for sure, but we have absolutely fallen in love with this grooming kit - it even has a vacuum function which is perfect for our big hairy dogs! Keeping your pets clean and brushed will help with smells AND the piles of loose fur that seem to spread across the whole house!

Oil Your Toilet Brush

With essential oils, that is. Look, the toilet brush is quite possibly the most disgusting thing in the whole house, and adding a few drops of essential oil to the caddy will keep any lingering odors from making your bathroom smellier than it has to be!

Trash Can Freshener

Another simple essential oil hack! I like to grab a few cotton balls (paper towels, cotton pads, some absorbent material) and douse them with a yummy oil - then I place them in the can before putting in a new trash bag. The oils will help cover any food or diaper odors - and a fresh smelling kitchen is a grand thing!

Laundry Scents

I have shared about this laundry fragrance multiple times, but that’s because I really love it! It adds a lovely scent to our clothing, towels, and furniture (the pieces that have washable covers) - and helps eliminate the kid and pet stinkies! You can also use wool balls with essential oils to freshen your fabrics in the dryer!

Cover Your Furniture

We are a family that breaks the cardinal rule of pet ownership - we allow our dogs and cats on the furniture. This means that we have fur and odors - so to help save our couches, I got this furniture cover, and it’s just what we needed! I just pop it off and store it if we have people coming over!

Kids and pets make life way more fun, and a bit more smelly, but hopefully these tips will help you combat the smelly part so you can enjoy more of the fun!!



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