Three Sanity Savers for Homeschool Moms
Over the ten years I’ve been homeschooling (and nearly sixteen years of motherhood!), I’ve learned a few things about staying sane in the midst of it all! I have a lot more than three tips, but we’re gonna start with the ones that can make the biggest, most immediate impact on your day-to-day!
There are so many ways to go about homeschooling, and every family is different. The tips that I have for you are pretty universal, but as always, take what works and leave the rest behind.
Limit Activities
Extracurriculars and activities and co-ops can be a great way to enrich your homeschool, but doing too much will only cause you (and your kids) unnecessary stress, and take up time that would be better spent together at home, playing games or resting or just being kids. I promise you that your kids do not need to be go-go-going nonstop, and you will all be better for a lighter calendar!
Lower Expectations
I know I talk about this ALL THE TIME, but I’m going to keep talking about it until the cows come home, because in the social media world we live in, our expectations are so skewed! I’m not telling you to have no expectations, but the ones you do have (of yourself, your home, your kids, your life) should be reasonable and based in reality. Take the time to evaluate what areas you may be holding unreasonable expectations, and consider how correcting them may benefit you and your sanity!
Rise Early
This one might be the most difficult, but it is almost certainly the one with the most immediate benefits! Rising early (before your kiddos if at all possible), having a hot cuppa and getting early morning sun in your eyes has been shown to increase productivity and mental wellbeing. Now, this may also mean that you have to stop staying up late in the evenings, but the trade off is definitely worth it! I’d say that this is, arguably, the MOST beneficial thing I have done for myself as a mother.