Summer Self Care
Summer Self Care
Self-care is not only a big buzzword, it’s also a big industry these days. We know that self-care isn’t all pedicures and lattes, truly caring for yourself is so much deeper. I have three simple, FREE things you can do to take care of yourself this summer, so you can be the Mom you want to be for your family.
Summer is typically a busy, fun, exciting time for families. School is out, perhaps you’re going on a trip, you’ve got pool dates and camps and VBS and holiday get-togethers…it can be truly exhausting! I know you want to be revitalized and energized as you go into the summer season, so let’s talk about the three simple steps you can take to breathe a little deeper and feel more rested and refreshed!
Get Outside!
There’s nothing quite like sunshine, fresh air, and the grass beneath your bare feet to instantly make you feel more at peace! You don’t have to be hiking a trail or camping or kayaking to enjoy the benefits of being in nature - your own front porch will do just fine - but adding activity to that outside time is a two-for-one bonus!
Get More Rest
Listen, I know how it goes. You spend all day with your family, and by the end of the day you’re exhausted and overstimulated and you just want to sit alone and eat snacks and watch Netflix. Resist the urge!!! I promise you, a full night’s rest will help to make you a happier, more energetic, peace-filled person! Stop self-sabotaging and go to bed!
Let It Go
Be like Elsa, and let it go. The need to try and do it all, that is. Because guess what? You CAN’T! And if you try, you’ll only end up exhausted and resentful. So stop beating yourself up for your perceived failures, ask for help in the areas you need it, and be NICE to yourself!!!