Do you ever feel like you're running on a hamster wheel, going through the motions, doing the same things over and over - and you don't really know why?
Sometimes life feels that way - at least for me. And I'd bet it feels that way for you sometimes, too.
I've been putting some mental energy into that hamster wheel lately, and the thing that I've discovered is that, every once in a while, I need to revisit my vision for my life and my family.
I need clarity.
I need to refocus.
I need to remind myself why.
Remembering why I do the things I do, why I have made the choices I have made - well, it helps me to keep things in perspective, and it helps me to let go of things that aren't moving me towards my vision and my goals.
This week, make a concerted effort to step off the hamster wheel and revisit your vision for yourself and your family and your life. Take a little time to get some clarity, and let the daily tasks of work and home regain their meaning and purpose. When you know why you're doing something, it tends to feel less like a never-ending story and more like living.
Yes, even the endless cycle of dishes and laundry.