In an effort to bring more lightness to your life, sometimes you need to let things go.
The pursuit of perfect will slowly kill you, and so today I want to share with you a few things I think that we can let go of in order to grab and carry more joy in our days. We only have the capacity to do and think and carry so much. If we want our capacity to increase, then we have to let things fall away, and releasing things can be so beautiful!
Let Go of Stuff
This is a big one for me right now. You may have missed it, but I am currently doing a decluttering challenge (you can join in HERE if you’d like!) - because it’s long overdue, and I know from past experience just how freeing it is to let stuff go. The fewer things you have to clean up and organize and put away, the more time you have. And visual clutter is very distracting for you brain. A little breathing room in your home will go a long way in helping you find contentment and joy.
Let Go of Expectations
This is something I have discussed ad nauseam, but it’s only because I know just how important it is - but also how difficult it is. We carry so many expectations - what our life should look like, what kind of mom/wife/friend we should be, what our home should like like, how our children should behave - and the weight of all of these expectations can be utterly crippling. This is not to say that we should have zero expectations, only that the ones that we do place on ourselves should be realistic and reasonable, and based in reality, not in the fantasy life of the internet or your family or whoever else you believe you need to please. Letting go of (unreasonable) expectations is one of the most freeing things that you can do for yourself and for the people around you.
Let Go of the Little Things
Now, this sort of goes hand in hand with expectations, but it especially applies to your children. If you find yourself constantly angry or annoyed with your kids, you may be making mountains out of molehills. A long time ago I decided that I would focus on the things that were really heart and character issues, and allow for the fact that kids are kids. They are going to make messes and do things in strange ways and be slow sometimes and run like rabid squirrels through the house - and finding peace with that has allowed me to enjoy my children! This is one of the areas of life where finding joy has been so important to me. And when my children enter a room, I want them to know that their presence brings me joy!
Are there things on this list that you need to let go of? Or maybe things that aren’t on the list? I love here from you!