Make Your Homeschool More FUN!

The last thing any of us want is for our homeschool to be boring…it’s practically a four-letter word! But I think we’ve all been there - when things get monotonous and tedious and a little blah. Here’s some ways to add a little more fun and whimsy to your homeschool day!

There are a hundred ways to have more fun with your kids in your homeschool, but I’m just going to give you a few of my favorite (EASY!) ways to bring the fun, today!

Field Trips

There’s nothing like getting out and seeing something new and exciting to spark a little more joy into your homeschool! Go to the zoo, check out the local museum, take a day trip to a historical site - the possibilities are endless! And if getting out seems more stressful than fun (maybe the weather is bad or you have toddlers and lots of littles and it just seems overwhelming) did you know that there are virtual field trips you can watch online?! What a fun way to see things you otherwise wouldn’t be able to, and experience things that might typically be too far away! Pinterest is full of ideas and field trips you can go on with your kiddos - so what are you waiting for? Go on that adventure!


Yes, game-schooling is a real thing! So pull out those board games and get to learnin’, and have fun while you’re doing it! Playing games allows your child to solidify concepts, and the truth is, we retain more information if we are having fun and enjoying ourselves while we’re learning. I have a a section in my Amazon shop with some of our favorite games if you need a little inspiration, or a new game or two to add to your collection.

Cook Together

Reading recipes, doubling or halving ingredients, testing new recipes - it’s math, it’s science, it’s reading - it’s school! And bonus, your kids are learning life skills at the same time! Cooking together is such a great way to meet your kids emotional needs for time spent with you, and it’s so fun to make a batch of cookies or muffins, or make dinner for the family. If your day is dragging and you need to add some joy to your day, try getting in the kitchen and make something yummy!

Watch a Documentary

There are so many great documentaries out there on subjects ranging from animals to history to science - anything you want to learn about, you can probably find a documentary about it! One of my favorites sources for finding documentaries is Curiosity Streams, because they’ve curated all the things so you don’t have to dig through Netflix trying to find something educational.

Go Outside

No agenda, no nature notebooks, just GO OUTSIDE. We don’t have to make every single little thing we do into an “educational experience”, we can just go to the park or on a walk in the woods and just enjoy the time together. Being outside is just so good for us, body and soul, and sometimes it’s exactly what we need to shake off the funk and inject some joy in our day! So throw those kiddos in the car and go to the park or the local nature trail and just enjoy being there!

What are some of YOUR favorite ways to make homeschooling more fun? Will you try any of these this week?



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