Recently I shared that we’ve made some changes to our homeschool - and one of them is a big one.
If you’d like to hear more about the changes we’ve made, I will have the video linked at the end of the post. But this blog isn’t actually about those changes. I want to talk about guilt.
Guilt can be absolutely crushing, and as a mom, I have experienced my fair share. I’ve done an excellent job over the years of releasing that guilt, but sometimes something big comes along and knocks you off of your feet, and the guilt comes crashing down again.
Here’s the thing that I am reminding myself of today. You don’t know what you don’t know, and in the words of Maya Angelou, when you know better, you do better.
It does nobody any good for you to beat yourself up over things you didn’t know. Decisions you made when you had less information than you do now were very likely the right decisions at the time. And when you get new information, when you learn more, when your circumstances change - you change course.
That should instill the opposite of guilt. You should be so proud of yourself for being willing to say that you made mistakes, but that you are shifting course, learning new ways of doing things, and moving forward with grace for yourself and for your loved ones.
So proud.
Whatever has changed, whatever new circumstance you’re walking through, I am certain that you are doing the best that you can with what you have. And you are growing up alongside your kids. Yes, even when you’re pushing 40. This is what makes you an amazing mama. Do NOT define yourself by your shortcomings and mistakes. Define yourself by your growth, by your willingness to be humble, and to adjust your sails when the winds change.