8 Ways To Be a Better Mom

We’ve all heard the expression “when mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy”, and the things is, it’s based in truth! We have the privilege of being atmosphere shifters in our homes - our moods, our approach - we can set the tone, which means we can also change the tone. Here are eight things that I’ve found in my 15 years of motherhood that can instantly change your mood, and therefore the mood of your home.


Turn on some music

There is nothing quite as powerful as music to shift the atmosphere in your home. Whether you wanna dance around the kitchen, spend some time praisin’ the Lord, or relax with some classical piano, music is a great way to change your outlook. Turn on what YOU need to make that shift!

Play with your kids

I often tell my kids that the reason I have eight of them is so that they can play with each other, but taking just 15 minutes to build blocks, or play barbies, or drive cars around can do wonders for establishing connection and bringing calm with your kids. Getting down on their level and doing things that they enjoy helps them to feel seen and loved, and that connection will help bring more peace!

Open the windows

If your climate and location allows, open those windows and move some fresh air through the house. Let the wind blow those stinky attitudes away! At the very least, make sure the curtains are open and let the sunshine in. Light is a fantastic mood booster!

Build a puzzle

Or maybe color…but sitting at the table and doing something with your hands can be so calming. Even better, invite your children to join you! You can connect over a simple activity, and there’s so much enjoyment to be found in accomplishing something creative!

Light a candle

Or diffuse some oils, or simmer a delicious scent on the stove - something to make your home smell inviting and boost your mood. Scent is such a powerful part of our memories! I always imagine my children as adults, and being reminded of their mama and their childhood when a particular scent catches them!

Bake something

Listen, you don’t have to be Martha Stewart, you don’t have to drag out the mixer and make grandma’s special recipe - a bag mix from the store will do just fine! The aim here is to give yourself and your kids a delicious treat, and in the process fill your home with the yummy scent of baked goods - a two for one mood booster!

Fresh flowers

I used to be such a cynic, I thought flowers were a waste. I was wrong. Bringing some nature into your home, whether with wildflowers and dandelions from your yard, or a $5 bouquet from Trader Joes, is such a simple way to add joy and beauty to your home and life. Too often we feel like everything must have some greater purpose, but having things around us that are beautiful just for the sake of our enjoyment is a wonderful thing!

Pull out the photos

My kids absolutely LOVE looking at old pictures of themselves, and it’s such a great way to connect with them, and also remind yourself of sweet memories - which is guaranteed to shift your heart and attitude towards your kids! You don’t need fancy albums, even scrolling through pictures on your phone together will do!

At the end of the day, you can only control yourself! I have found that just picking one or two things from this list helps to shift my mood and my attitude, and then I am better able to be the mom I want to be for my children. What a privilege it is to be an atmosphere shifter in our homes!



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