5 First Day of Homeschool Tips

As a homeschool family, sometimes the first day of school can feel anti-climactic, but it doesn’t have to be that way! I have five tips to help you make your first day back special for you and for your kids, and to help you start off on a great foot for the new school year!

Choose an Outfit

One of my favorite parts of going back to school as a child was picking out my clothes for the first day of school! Whether you go shopping at Target, the thrift store, or your closet, take the time to pick out special First Day Outfits - not just for your kids, but for YOU too!

Make a BIG Breakfast

Taking the time to plan and prepare a big, filling breakfast will not only make your first day more special, it’ll make it go more smoothly, too! Bellies full of yummy food help kids to focus and concentrate - and moms too!

Take First Day Photos

Stick those kiddos on the front porch and record the first day of school! You’ll be so glad to have those photos to compare to the last day! As a bonus, set out an Instax camera and take pictures throughout the day (and year!) to record all the fun and wonderful things you do and learn!

Ease In

Remember the tortoise - slow and steady wins the race! You don’t have to jump in the deep end on the first day! It’s okay to start with just a couple subjects, and trickle them in over the next couple weeks! That’s the beauty of homeschool…you have time!

Grace upon Grace

For yourself, and for your kids! Especially if this is your first year, it’s new for everyone! Lower your expectations, be kind but firm, and shower yourself and your kiddos with grace!

My heartfelt desire is that every family that chooses homeschooling would be equipped with the tools they need to be successful and thrive! These first days tips are just the tip of the iceberg! My course, Master the Art of Home Education, is designed to give you the tools you need to absolutely ROCK your homeschool! The course is open now!



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