3 MORE Sanity Savers for Homeschool Moms

Okay, these tips are actually for ALL moms…in fact, a lot of what I share may seem homeschool specific, but I believe so much of my learned wisdom from nearly 16 years of motherhood can be helpful and applicable no matter your motherhood season.

Have Fewer Toys

Whether you do a toy rotation or simply sell or donate the excess, having fewer toys to choose from will actually encourage your children to play more, and to play more peacefully. Don’t believe me? Just do an experiment, and stick half of their toys in storage for a week or two. I think you’ll be surprised! And bonus, fewer toys to choose from also means fewer toys to clean up!

Use That Slow Cooker!

Your crock pot shouldn’t just be for potlucks! If you aren’t using your slow cooker at least a couple times a week, you’re spending more time in the kitchen than you need to! Especially if you have kiddos with evening activities, having dinner hot and ready when you get home will be a massive sanity saver!

Daily Quiet Time

Eventually your kids are going to drop their nap, and instituting a daily quiet time in your routine will give everyone the hour or two of peace that they need to reset and refresh for the evening routine of dinner and chores and homework. Your kids need the downtime, and so do you!

These may not seem life-altering, but I promise you that these three things will make a difference I your day to day life! Anything you can do to bring more peace, more calm, and more time to your day is a worthy pursuit!



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