Where the good stuff is.

There are only 3 Mondays left in 2022.

How does it feel to read that? Does it make you feel excited that this year is almost over and a new one is upon us? Anxious because it feels like you're running out of time? Indifferent? 

Whether you're excited and sprinting to the finish line, or anxious and feeling like you're running behind - let me offer you this…

Take a breath.

Slow down.

 This may have been a really hard year, or a wonderful year, or maybe somewhere in between - and it’s completely understandable that you may feel like you can’t wait to leave it behind - or maybe you wish it wasn’t ending so soon.

But here’s the deal, my friend. There is nothing magical that happens when the clock strikes midnight on December 31st. Your circumstances won’t magically change in that moment of space between years. That’s why I want to encourage you to stay present in this moment. Today.

In the midst of the holiday shopping and cookie baking and and worries and joy - just be present. Slow down. Stay here.

Stay in the here and now. 

It's where the good stuff is. 



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