A Word for the Overwhelmed

I know that sometimes life gets, busy, overwhelming, hard, and heavy - we all go through seasons of trial and struggle and pain. If you are in a season that feels overwhelming right now, I want to remind you of a simple truth that is so easy to forget.

Productivity is such a buzzword these days, and it can be hard to manage the expectations you’ve placed on yourself, especially when you have a hundred voices telling you how you should be doing things (and perhaps one of those is the voice in your own head). Allow me to remind you of something…

Rest is productive.

You don't always have to be going, doing, achieving. You can stop and breathe. Sit and rest. Take time to do simple things that restore you - body, mind, and spirit. Sleep. Eat something delicious. Journal. Pray. It's vitally important to future you that you care for present you, okay?

I know that our culture teaches us that we need to have something to show for our time and efforts, and when you take the time to rest, you aren't producing anything that will show results. Our culture tells us a lot of lies. Producing is not more important than being present - and some of the most important things in this life are not things that can be measured by any standard metric.

You aren't falling behind. You aren't failing. Rest. Restore yourself.

You are worthy of care. And when you are refreshed, you will better be able to serve your family and do your work well. Take this as your permission slip.


This post is taken from last weeks newsletter. If you aren’t a newsletter bff, I’d love to have you on the list! Just click here to sign up!



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