Two Quick Tips for a Tidier Home
Keeping a tidy house with kids and pets can feel like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos…but it is possible to create routines and to stay on top of the mess! Here are two things that I do daily to help us stay on top of our cleaning to-dos!
Set a timer, turn on some music, and GO!
This is such an easy thing to do with your kiddos (if they’re old enough to help), and I highly recommend 10 minute tidies at transition points during your day. After breakfast, before lunch, before dinner…any time you’re transitioning from one activity or part of your routine to another is a good time to tidy up. Throw some dishes in the dishwasher, toys in a basket, put books back on the shelf, maybe even a quick sweep or vacuum! Two or three ten-minute-tidy times a day will make a big difference in the overall maintenance of your home.
My favorite time of day for my power hour is in the evening - in that chunk of time between dinner and the kids’ bedtime. I use this hour to catch up on any tidying that didn’t get completed earlier in the day, to switch laundry or pick up a bedroom, sometimes I’ll use the time to do a quick organizational or decluttering project.
And kids can absolutely be involved in Power Hour as well. If they have daily chores as part of their routine, they can finish any jobs not done earlier, or you can give specific jobs to be done during this dedicated hour in the evening.