Keeping a tidy house with kids and pets can feel like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos…but it is possible to create routines and to stay on top of the mess! Here are two things that I do daily to help us stay on top of our cleaning to-dos!
The great thing about the Ten Minute Tidy and the Power Hour is that they are both time bound. You can set a timer, get as much done as you can before it goes off, and then be content with what you’ve accomplished in that space of time - and move on with your day. You will never get everything done every single day, and I don’t think you should guilt yourself or beat yourself up or run yourself ragged trying to accomplish it all! Prioritize, do what you can do, and know that it’s enough! If you need help with your cleaning routines, don’t forget to check out my Cleaning Checklist Bundle - with all of the lists and tasks and routines to help you get in a rhythm that works for YOU!