Something is Missing.

Have you ever looked back at pictures from holidays and vacations and just daily life, and realized that something - no, someone- was missing?

And that someone was you?

I think that's an experience that most of us can relate to, am I right?

I think there are two reasons for this phenomenon. Number one, you don't like the way you look. You don't want your current body or hair or whatever else preserved for time immemorial. Number two, you're the one behind the camera and you feel weird asking for people to take your picture (and they don't think to do it on their own).

But here's the thing. Your family, your friends, your children - and you! - will look back on those photographs in 5, 10, 25 years time and absolutely cherish them. You will look back on the uncomfy postpartum body or bad haircut with a sort of grace and compassion for your younger self, and you will be so glad that you stepped in front of the camera.

Don't hide from the camera this holiday season. Don't be embarrassed to ask someone to take a picture of you with your kids. I know you want your spouse to do it without you asking, but ask anyway. Get the evidence that you were there, First name / my friend.

You will be SO glad you did. I promise.



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