Show Up For Shine!


✨Let’s join hands and make some magic happen! ✨

As many of y’all know, I spent some time in Uganda with Shine Uganda last spring and they are one of the organizations that we deeply love and support.
I shared about them in the book and now with the pandemic shutting down travel and such- the villagers are struggling to access food for their families, both monetarily and from restricted travel access.

Shine is doing all they can to get food delivered and dispersed to their community, but they need funding. Here’s where we can come in! 👊🏻
CR and I are going to donate $10 to Shine for every single hardcover book that is sold today and tomorrow up to $2500💗

Y’all have been so incredible to show up for these non-profits that we love so much and I’m always so proud of this TGN community and your beautiful hearts!

Maybe you want to gift a book to a friend you think would enjoy it, maybe you want to add it to a sweet Mother’s Day basket for a mama in your life, or buy one to donate to your local library! All the links for places that have the hardcover book available will be linked in my stories and bio. And don’t forget Barnes & Noble offers curbside pickup if you don’t want to wait for shipping !

Here we go! Let’s show up for Shine 💗💗💗💗💗

✨✨DM me or CR on Instagram your receipt.

✨✨ I’m also choosing 5 of you who generously participate to send a signed copy of the book to after the fundraiser ends! Signed by our whole crew with love from us to you!

Here is where you can grab a hardcover copy of the book!


Barnes & Noble (they offer curbside pickup too!) :

Target: :

(UK) Waterstones:

(International) Book Depository: