Me Time and We Time // The Finding Joy Series
It’s no secret that it’s easy to get burnt out on the monotony of life, and lose our spark of joy - and in this series we are talking about my favorites ways to bring that joy back into my life.
Today we’re going to talk about time. Me time and we time. It’s something I’ve shared before, but it’s been so vital to helping relieve stress and burnout, and bring more joy into my life.
Whether you’re a mama or not, you likely feel pulled in a million directions by the needs of those around you. Your spouse, your kids, your coworkers, your boss - the list goes on and on. I am a firm believer in scheduling Me Time into your life. Time where you only have to be you. Not wife or mama or employee or whatever other title is placed on you. Just you. It can be as little as 15 minutes alone in the morning or evening, or as much as a weekend away (maybe with the girls, if that’s life-giving to you!). The amount of time isn’t necessarily as important as simply allowing yourself to be important enough to have a slot in your schedule that gives you that freedom. I know that this doesn’t always feel easy, especially when your children are young or if you have a high pressure job or you are a caretaker of sorts, but if you take, no MAKE, the time to restore yourself and do things that bring you joy, you’ll go a long way in preventing future stress and burnout that may take you out for much longer than an hour or a day or a weekend. You matter, too. Make time to be you. (And don’t forget to make time for your spouse to do the same!)
If you are married, this is equally as important as me time, because the last thing you want is to lose the joy of your love for one another amidst the demands of life. Just like me time, you are going to have to be intentional and purposeful in scheduling your We Time. And just like me time, We Time can take many forms. It can be 15 minutes over coffee in the morning or a bowl of ice cream at night, just to catch up with each other and check in with each other. It can be date nights (in or out of the house, both are fantastic!), or it can be weekends away. What’s important is that you make each other a priority - you’ll improve communication, you’ll take time to really see and hear one another, and you’ll be a better team for it.