Laughter is Good for the Soul // The Finding Joy Series
As I prepare to do my massive, house-wide declutter in an effort to bring more peace into my home, I also want to go back and rediscover some of things that bring more joy into my life. I’m not sure how long this blog series will be, but I hope you’ll join me as we work to find, and create joy in our lives.
I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “laughter is the best medicine”, and I’m inclined to believe that that is true. If you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m absolutely fascinated by neuroscience, and learning to apply information to my life to make it better.
Did you know that laughter releases dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin? The chemicals reduce cortisol (the stress hormone!) in our bodies, and make us feel better.
Maybe life is really hard right now. Maybe your circumstances are crappy, or maybe you’re burnt out and looking to relieve some stress in your life. I know it isn’t always easy, but let’s talk about some ways to bring more laughter into our lives.
Most of us have that one friend. You know the one. She might be a little inappropriate, she says what’s on her mind, and she’s funny as all get out. Call that friend. You get the added bonus of connection, which is so vital to us as humans, and you know she’s good for a laugh. Or maybe you need to call your mama and have her tell you a funny family story, or your hubby to revisit that hilarious thing your kid did last week. Most of us have some belly-busting stories, so find someone to share them with and get those feel-good hormones flowing!
Seek it Out
Maybe you don’t really feel like talking, but you could happily go cruising the World Wide Web for some memes or funny Reels - do it! Turn on a comedy show on Netflix, or hit play on the rom-com or over-the-top-stupid movie that you know is going to crack you up. Sometimes we have to go looking for the funnies!
Find the Funny
Remember that time your kid did something that was super gross or messy or just a disaster? Like the time little toddler Benjamin dragged a plunger all over the house and got poop everywhere…yeah. In the moment, I had a choice - be angry, or find the funny. And I’m so glad I found the funny. There are going to be opportunities every single day (especially if you have children!) to either be annoyed or to be amused. I promise you, the more you choose to be amused, the more joy you’ll find in life.