Just Get Outside

One of the biggest lessons I learned in 2022 was the importance of time spent outdoors.

Intellectually, I’ve know that this is true - I love listening to podcasts and reading books about neuroscience, but just because we know something doesn’t mean that we will properly apply it to our lives - and that’s exactly what happened last year. Halfway through the year there were some things that I had to let go of in my life in order to make space for other things that needed to take priority. One of the first things I let go of was my garden. And while it was a necessary decision, it’s affect on me was pretty profound.

By December, I was asking my husband why I felt like such a miserable, pessimistic person - where had my hope and positive outlook gone? I’m not a person who struggles with depression beyond situational low times, but I was absolutely in a very low place, mentally. And the realization hit me, that this negative downturn had begun when I had stepped back from gardening and in turn, had really cut down on the amount of time I was spending outside.

No longer were my days filled with fresh air and sun and dirt under my nails. I spent the large majority of my time inside, and it was hurting me.

That is going to change this year.

I am going to start my day by walking outside and breathing in the fresh air, and getting that beautiful sunshine in my eyes. Not through a window or the car, but actually outside.

I am going to garden this year, though on a much smaller scale, growing flowers that bring me joy and fresh veggies and herbs that my family loves.

I’m going to move my body outside, walking and being intentional about movement.

And I want to encourage you to consider how you can do this with me. Consider it an experiment. Commit to spending 15, 30, 60 minutes a day outside - and let’s see how it changes us.

Let me know in the comments if you’re going to join me!

I’m so glad you're here!



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