It's a trap.

I see you, my sweet friend. I see you feeling like what you're doing, what you're planning, what you're capable of…feeling like it's not enough.

I see you comparing your decorations to her decorations.

I see you comparing your Christmas gift budget to your friend's budget.

I see you watching her bake with her kids and wishing you had the time and energy to do the same.

And here's what I want to say to you. It's something I've said a thousand times and will a thousand times more.


Stop the comparison game. Get off of that merry-go-round, my friend, because the ride never ends, and you will always be reaching for something that may not be yours to have.

None of those women is doing it all, none of them have it all. No one's life is as perfect as it appears on Instagram. Open your eyes to what is in front of you, right now, today - your children, your home, your decorations that hold years of memories. These things are beautiful because they're yours.

No time of year is harder than the holidays when it comes to the comparison trap, and trap you it will, if you allow it. So don't let it. Keep your eyes in your own lane, and let what's good for her be good for her, and what's good for you be good for you.

Find contentment and joy in what is yours, my friend, and I can promise you that you will have a joyful holiday season.

I am grateful that you are here.



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