How To Declutter your Digital Space!

Y’all… our online spaces are quickly becoming just as cluttered and unorganized as our real life spaces…well… at least mine were! Wanna join me in taking 7 easy steps to less digital junk? Keep reading!

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As you may know already- I’m giving my whole life an overhaul. It may sound dramatic, but as we added our 8th child in the fall of 2019, I found myself crippled with anxiety and stress. Everywhere I looked felt like a mess I couldn’t stay on top of. Too many clothes, too many toys, too many email, too much noise on social media. It was all just TOO MUCH! So, I gave myself grace upon grace upon grace through the end of the year. Why add more “to-do’s” when you already feel like youre drowing? However, I knew that once we were out of the newborn stage with Benji { and by some freak miracle he’s basically sleeping through the night now!!! Most of my kids were over 1 before they did that, thank you Benji } that I would take some control of my “stuff”. I needed some margin, blank space, and not to be shackled to the ever growing piles of junk and clutter. And that’s where you have found me now. Ready to get serious about letting the stuff go knowing it will ultimatley give what I truly desire, which is more things, but more time… more freedom.

I’m kicking off a mutli-week series on my Youtube channel where I’m bringing you guys along as I attempt to declutter and organize basically my whole life. We’re starting this week with an easy win. Digital clutter. In some ways, this may not seem like a big deal, but it carries some of the greatest mental weight for. Unread texts/emails, thousands of photos that are so out of control I can never find anything. Scrolling through IG to find I can never see what my closest pals are up to because my feed is filled with too much clutter. Shops I never buy from, influencers I no longer glean anything from etc. It’s very loud on social media. I know I need to quiet the voices and be selective about who and what I’m allowing to speak into my life everyday. It’s actually a really big deal who you follow.

With all that said- I knew that some of you may want to not just watch this process, but actually join me in doing it! So, I created this digital checklist and will for each area we tackle. Use it track your progress as we clean up our online spaces and get them more organized! Of course, I feel like if you’re going to join me, we need a hashtag to support and cheer each other on too. So, if you share in stories or post on IG or Twitter use the hashatag #decluttermylifewithangie

You can watch the first video below or on my YouTube channel, and grab your digital checklist below!

I’m excited to discover what really matters to me, what doesn’t and all the little lessons I’m sure to learn along the way!

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Angela Braniff5 Comments