Get Your Life Together - Declutter Your Home
Declutter Your Home
I’m no minimalist, but I have discovered the peace it brings to my home to have less. As it turns out, decluttering and organizing is kind of an ongoing thing! If you were around in early 2020, you may remember the decluttering series I did, and now that we’ve been in our new home for about two years, it’s really time for me to buckle down and figure out how to make the best use of these spaces. Maybe you’re ready to do the same!
Now, I’m not saying you need to go full Marie Kondo, but going through your stuff and getting rid of things you don’t need will definitely bring more peace into your home and your day to day - and as a bonus, fewer things in your home means fewer things to clean and maintain! Before you jump into decluttering, you need to decide your approach. Are you going to do a 30 day challenge? How about room by room? Or maybe types of items? My preference is room by room, because I just don’t have the time in my daily life to commit to a 30 day type challenge. I prefer the “bust through one room/space in a weekend” approach! Now, here’s the areas I like to focus on…
Starting in the kitchen will give you the most instant gratification, because most of us spend so much of our lives in that particular room! Be honest with yourself! Do you actually use all of those gadgets? Do you really need all of those cookbooks, or serving dishes, or tableware sets? Your individual needs will vary based on your family size, how often you entertain, your cooking preferences…but the point is, almost ALL of us have extra stuff that can go! Grab a couple boxes and fill them to donate, sell things on Marketplace, or ask friends if there’s anything they need!
Let’s be real, you’ve probably got cabinets and drawers full of half-used hair and body products, expired makeup and medications, and ratty old towels and washcloths. Grab a trash bag and get to work, mama!
Is your closet overflowing and are your drawers stuffed to the brim? Now, how many of those items actually fit you? And how many of them do you actually wear? If you’re still in the season of having babies, you may want to keep a small range of sizes of clothes, but for the most part, you should be getting rid of things that don’t fit your body! Sell items on Poshmark, give them to friends, or donate them - but don’t hang on to stuff you just don’t need (or really even like!). And make sure to do the same with your kid’s clothes!