Homeschool Real Talk


I know that so many of us are preparing for back to school and that's looking very different for a lot of people this year. For some of us who have always homeschooled then it's just sort of same old same old in some ways but for many people there's who are joining homeschool this year for the first time, some by choice and some by feeling like with everything going on with the virus that this is the best option at this time. These are the top questions I get about homeschooling. I hope something in this Q and A will help your family adjust and enjoy integrating homeschool into your family.

Homeschooling Preschoolers


I don’t personally homeschool 2-3 year olds. I tried with my oldest when they were younger, I found I was trying to hard to be their teacher and not just teaching them as we went through life. We try to make learning a part of every day activities for our toddlers. Everyone is different, so if your desire is to set up a cute homeschool room and do a little preschool with your 2-3 year old, by all means do it!

Hardest Part of Homeschooling

Hands down the hardest part is not comparing my children to other people’s children. I want to embrace my children for who they are where they are. My job is not to be a teacher necessarily. Yes there is a lot of teaching involved, but my job is to be their guide. I will be teaching them how to learn, how to find information, how to retain information and practical tips for learning. Their job is to open the door to information and learning.

How to Prevent Burnout

Take breaks when you need them. Part of the reason I love year round homeschooling, is if something in life gets in the way, and we just need to hit pause in homeschooling, we can do that. We can deal with the storm, and then get back to schooling when things have settled down. And just like us, kids can get burned out too. It’s nice to take a break and let everyone reset!

How do you Keep Kids Calm and Focused?

Don’t ask them to do more than they are capable of or asking them to sit still longer than they are capable of. When you try to recreate a classroom in your homeschool it can lead to a lot of these problems with kids not able to stay focused. I give my kids lots of time in the mornings to get the wiggles out. We take frequent short breaks during the day. And recognize each child’s attention span. Be realistic and keep lessons short for younger children.

Managing Multiple Grades

We do group subjects as much as possible. History, Bible, Science, etc. Then we break apart for independent subjects. Older kids can work independently, on worksheets or online. You can be available to answer questions, while working hands on with a kindergartner. Be flexible, and see what works for your kids. There are times kids have to wait. We encourage independent reading, a coloring sheet, etc while they wait for us to be available.

Tips for Working Parents

Try to block schedule. While I don’t know your work schedule, I block early morning to work, then later morning to lunch for homeschool. Then another homeschool section after lunch and then I’m back at work by early afternoon.

How do you Chose a Homeschool Method?

Pick something that is exciting and interesting to you. Then take into account your child’s learning style. If traditional learning isn’t in your child’s wheelhouse, then something more eclectic like Charlotte Mason may work.

How do You Teach a Subject That You Struggle With as an Adult?

This is a very common question and misconception. If you’re going to homeschool your kids then you must know everything about everything! That’s just not possible. If your goal is guiding your child how to learn, then let’s say you are terrible at math and it’s time to do algebra, then find the resources to help them learn. I love Khan Academy for math and you can always sit down with them to learn! And remember you likely know someone in your life who is good in a particular subject. So reach out to that brother, uncle, friend who is good in algebra and ask about a few tutoring sessions. And there are many teachers who offer tutoring as well.

How do you Keep Toddlers from Destroying your House While you’re Homeschooling?

Let’s be honest…sometimes you don’t! Accepting that there’s going to be some level of chaos from time to time is just going to happen. I recommend plastic bins or boxes that are put away and only come out when we’re doing school. Keep special art supplies. favorite little toys, watercolor pads, whatever they will really enjoy and are good distractions. And in a real emergency, when you just need 30 minutes of instruction time, fall back to the TV…if you must! There are instagram accounts, like “The Busy Toddler” to find great ideas to keep kids busy. They will eventually get into a routine and younger kids will learn Mom or Dad are busy, and this is just how life goes now. Give yourself and your kids time and grace to adjust

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