There are times in my life when I have gone about things all wrong…
And maybe you have, too.
Just over six months ago, I brought on an assistant to help me with my workload.
It's something I've put off for years, partially because my work is so personal, and partially because, well, letting go of control is really hard.
Asking for help is hard.
Doing everything on your own is hard.
And that's what I want to talk to you about today.
You get to choose your hard.
Whether it's in business or in your home, asking for help can be the difference between burnout and thriving, failure and success, drudgery and joy. We aren't meant to do life alone, and we honestly, we shouldn't even try. Now, I'm not telling you that you need to hire an assistant or a housekeeper or a live in nanny, but I am telling you that you need to evaluate what you're doing, what's most important, and where you can and should ask for help.
Perhaps you need to outsource some of your teaching if you’re homeschooling your kids - a tutor or a co-op or an online class. Maybe you need to reach out to a friend and ask them to switch off babysitting a couple times a month because you’re desperate for time with your spouse. Or maybe you need to sit down with your spouse and ask them to help you share more of the load of housework right now.
And here’s a really tough one. Maybe what you really need to do is put yourself out there, and start building the community that you’re longing for - start looking for those women who you can do life with.
I put off getting the help I needed for far too long. Don’t do that.
Ask for what you need, seek it out, and be willing to accept the help when it comes.
What can you ask for help with in your life right now that will bring some margin to your days, and help you to thrive, not just survive?