Did you know that chickens sing?

Okay, so while the rhythmic bawk - bawk - bubawk may not exactly sound like singing, it is called an egg song. It's the chicken's way of announcing to the world that they have laid an egg…it's almost like they are saying “did y'all see this? I made this! It's the most beautiful egg that has every been laid in the history of all time!”.


And that has me thinking…


Those chickens are so darn proud of their egg laying skills…and they do it every day! It's not mundane to them. Every egg is worth singing over! 


(Listen y'all, I know there are pretty basic biological imperatives that cause the egg song, but just go with me on this metaphor cause it's a pretty good one, k?)


What if, like the chickens, we saw the beauty in our every day, mundane tasks? What if we celebrated and sang over the meals we cook for our families? The laundry we folded and put away? The work project we wrapped up? I think we might find ourselves going through our days with a little more joy, and little more excitement, a little more gratitude for those mundane daily tasks!


I love life lessons from the farm. There's just so much that we can learn from God's creation! What can you sing your egg song over today?



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