3 Daily Habits for a Clean(er) Home
Daily Habits for a Clean Home
I have been a mom for fifteen years now, and these are the three daily habits I’ve found that keep me on track and help keep our home looking tidy with 8 kids, 2 cats, and 7 dogs running around!
I always feel the need to put this disclaimer out there! Everyone’s idea of a clean home, and what is important to them, is going to be different. That’s okay! Today we’re just talking about three little habits that will help you feel like you’ve got a handle on this clean home thing, and they are just what works well for me!
Make Your Bed
There are a plethora of books and habit science research that supports the habit of making your bed every day! I don’t know why it works, I only know that it does! Making my bed every morning motivates me and puts me in the right mindset to keep on top of cleaning and tidying my home.
Vacuum Daily
Whenever I see a cleaning schedule with vacuuming once a week, I laugh in *7 dogs*! With kids and pets, vacuuming daily is essential! Because we vacuum constantly, I invested in a Dyson, and LOVE IT. We also have a cheaper version upstairs…and the bonus is, all but the smallest of our kids are capable of vacuuming!
Do Those Dishes!
With a family as large as ours, if we don’t stay on top of the dishes, they pile up quickly! We’ve developed the habit of loading the dishwasher after each meal, and we typically run it twice a day, once after lunch, and again after dinner. There’s nothing quite as nice as waking up to a tidy kitchen to start your day off on the right foot!