China Day 7&8 - Shamian Island/Lazy Day

On Thursday we met up with our guide and another family to go to the famous Shamian Island. It is beautiful place! Not really an island, it's kind of surrounded by a moat. There is such incredible architecture and a ton of fun shops, restaurants and little statues to check out.

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Processed with VSCOcam with s1 preset

I was feeling pretty awful that day, my vertigo and motion sickness was in full swing! I tried to enjoy our time there, but to be honest, I felt like I was on a boat the whole time. Rosie and Ashleigh had a great time though!







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Processed with VSCOcam with s1 preset

We did find some really fun souvenirs for the kids, and I found a super cute t-shirt for Rosie that says "Made in China" :)

I went to bed extra early that night since I was still feeling queasy...


The next day we were supposed to go to the Chinese Cultural Center, however I was feeling awful when I woke up! We decided to lay low in our hotel room all day. I took some Dramamine to see if it would help with my seasick feeling. I'm pretty sure Rosie thinks Ash and I are the most boring people on the whole planet, lol!



We still had fun though, and basically watched super hero movies all day!