A Day With The Boy Scouts!!! #scouting



Noah and I were so thrilled to be invited to spend a day with the Boy Scouts this fall. I think almost everyone knows who the Boy Scouts are, but just in case you don't, let me give you a quick overview!

Besides selling the most delicious popcorn every year, it's one of the largest youth organizations in the United States, with more than 2.4 million youth members and nearly one million adult volunteers. The BSA's goal is to train youth in responsible citizenship, character development, and self-reliance through participation in a wide range of outdoor activities, educational programs, and, at older age levels, career-oriented programs in partnership with community organizations. For younger members, the Scout method is part of the program to instill typical Scouting values such as trustworthiness, good citizenship, and outdoors skills, through a variety of activities such as camping, aquatics, and hiking.

I know I have always thought that boys who made it all the way to Eagle Scout, were holding a pretty prestigious title. In fact, I learned that over 90% of Westpoint and Annapolis' accepted students, are Eagle Scouts. It's really an honor. We have always been interested in having our sons join the Boy scouts, but neither are old enough to join the traditional Cub Scouts, which begin in 1st grade.

Until now that is! The Boy scouts are launching a new pilot program, called the Lion Program. This program will be for Kindergarten aged boys, and it intends to weave traditional Scouting concepts of character development, leadership skills, and citizenship into activities that are age appropriate and fun for the boys!

Obviously Noah and I were really excited to go check this new program, go #scouting , and see what it was all about!



We arrived at Camp Grimes mid morning on Saturday, it was the perfect fall day! We were immediately greeted by the Den Leader and given the breakdown of the days events. First up, we headed down to the lake to see some fishing! We didn't bring poles or tackle, so we just observed. The kids were all having such a great time and a little boy even caught a fish while we were down there!



We went over to the field where the boys were playing real life "Angry Birds", it was a BLAST!!! Noah loved yelling "Fire in the hole" before sending his tennis ball flying! On the other side, they were playing capture the flag, Star Wars style! With pool noodle light sabers! You know those boys were having the time of their lives whacking away at each!



The whole theme of the camping weekend was Hollywood movies, so the craft was to make your star, like they have on the walk of fame. Noah loved getting the chance to use a hammer...with a little help from mom ;)



Our final activity for the day was the BB gun range, I'll admit, I was nervous! Giving Noah a BB Gun sounded like a recipe for disaster, lol! However the range master (parent volunteer) was so great with the boys. He made sure everyone followed the rules, and honestly, all the boys were so respectful and careful. It was quite impressive! This was by far Noah's favorite part, he is still talking about it!



Next we headed up to the mess hall and had some lunch. While Noah ate, I had a chance to chat with John, the Senior District Executive. Most of the people who help run each District are volunteers and it is obvious how much passion these men have for the program. They work so hard to make events like fun and memorable for the boys and their families.





Noah and I both thoroughly enjoyed our day #scouting, and we will be signing both our boys for the Lion Program when they enter Kindergarten!

I'd love to hear if any of your kids, or maybe your hubby were ever a part of the scouts? What was your favorite thing about being a Scout?

Noah and I want to say a huge thank you to the Boy scouts for having us!

Be sure to follow the Boy scouts on Social Media:

Facebook: http://bit.ly/2aPmmhc

Twitter: http://bit.ly/2aSlvhH

